We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the German Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for the project “Predicting climate change-induced vulnerability of African agricultural systems to major insect pests through advanced insect phenology modeling and decision aid development for adaptation planning.” The work carried out under the project provided the scientific basis for the compilation of the Pest Risk Atlas for Africa. Further, we highly acknowledge the financial support of the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB) to provide the financial support to complete the preparation and publication of the Atlas. We are further grateful for the support of our project partners at icipe, IITA, the University of Hohenheim (Germany), the University of Yaoundé and University of Dschang (Cameroon), the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), the University of Nairobi (Kenya), the Makerere University Kampala (Uganda), and the University of La Molina (Peru). These partners have supported important student work to realize many of the pest and natural enemy life-table studies and phenology model as a basis to develop the risk maps as part of this book’s publication.

A special acknowledgement and recogniction is given to all Agroecology/IPM team members and colleagues at CIP who have contributed from the initation of the development of the Insect Life Cycle Modeling (ILCYM) software until to its version applied in the Pest Risk Atlas for Africa, namely to Pablo Carhuapoma, Daniel Chavez, Juan Gonzales, Henry Juarez, Jürgen Kroschel, Diego Medoza, Felipe de Mendiburo, Marc Sporleder, Reinhard Simon, and Henry Tonnang.

