Accession-specific effects of repeated harvesting edible cowpea leaves on leaf yield, stability, and reliability.
Variacion espacio-temporal de la precipitacion pluvial en Mexico: Una aproximacion a la evaluacion de impactos.
Investigating consumer preferences and willingness to pay for Orange-fleshed Sweet potato (OFSP) juice in Rwanda.
A method for evaluating climate change adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers using survey, experimental and modeled data
Varietal identification in household surveys: results from three household-based methods against the benchmark of DNA fingerprinting in southern Ethiopia.
Serological survey and metagenomic discovery of potato viruses in Rwanda and Burundi reveals absence of PVY in Burundi and first report of TRV in potatoes in sub-Saharan Africa
Marketing Healthy Food in an African City: Consumer Motivations for Adopting Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato in Maputo, Mozambique