The role of root and tuber crops in strengthening agri‐food system resilience in Asia. A literature review and selective stakeholder assessment.
Orange‐fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) puree for fried and baked products in Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi project. 2019‐2020 Workplan review meeting.
Toward more nutritious diets for young children in southern Bangladesh: Assessing the contribution of Community Nutrition Scholars and identifying constraints to utilization of orange-fleshed sweetpotato
Effects of commercialization of sweetpotato on gender relations and wellbeing among smallholder farmers: Technical workshop to review study findings and develop recommendations for improved programming.
SweetGAINS project Speed Breed and Seed Community of Practice-West Africa virtual meeting report (27,29 May; 1,3,5 June 2020)
Incentives and constraints to an expanded and viable orange‐fleshed sweetpotato value chain: The case of Kenya.