Markets for fresh and frozen potato chips in the ASARECA region and the potential for regional trade: Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya, Burundi and Uganda.
Serological survey and metagenomic discovery of potato viruses in Rwanda and Burundi reveals absence of PVY in Burundi and first report of TRV in potatoes in sub-Saharan Africa
Farmer reported pest and disease impacts on root, tuber, and banana crops and livelihoods in Rwanda and Burundi.
Sensitivity of Potato Yield and Biomass to Climate Change Effects in Gisozi, Burundi, and Washington, USA, and Assessment of LINTUL4 Model Behavior
Genotyping of Phytophthora infestans in eastern-Africa reveals a dominating invasive European lineage
Growth analysis and modelling of CIP potato genotypes for their characterization in two contrasting environments of Burundi.
Pesticide use practices in root, tuber, and banana crops by smallholder farmers in Rwanda and Burundi