Strengthening institutional systems for scaling up OFSP for improved nutrition and food security in Tigray and SNNPR, Ethiopia
Better potato for a better life: Reducing food insecurity and dependence on cereals in Amhara Oromia, Tigray and SNNP regions of Ethiopia
The contribution of community nutrition scholars towards more nutritious diets for young children in Southern Bangladesh. Research Brief 01
Feed the Future Malawi improved seed systems and technologies (MISST) project: Orange-fleshed sweetpotato component
Orange‐fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) puree for fried and baked products in Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi project. 2019‐2020 Workplan review meeting.
A situational analysis of regional investments, policies, legislation and advocacy efforts on food-based approaches to combating micronutrient deficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa: focus on biofortification