Effects of early and late harvest on agronomic Performance and stability of late blight resistant (R-gene Free) potato genotypes.
Motivations and cognitive models associated with decentralized seed multiplication: Experiences from biofortified sweetpotato vine multipliers in Kenya and Ethiopia
Innovation Platforms in agricultural research for development: Ex-ante Appraisal of the Purposes and Conditions Under Which Innovation Platforms can Contribute to Agricultural Development Outcomes
Pesticide use practices in root, tuber, and banana crops by smallholder farmers in Rwanda and Burundi
Agronomic assessment of phosphorus efficacy for potato (Solanum tuberosum L) under legume intercrops.
Multiple QTLs linked to agro-morphological and physiological traits related to drought tolerance in potato.
How useful are perception- and experienced-based measures in predicting actual food choice? Evidence from an in-store field experiment using a multi-response approach
Potential short-term memory induction as a promising method for increasing drought tolerance in sweetpotato crop wild relatives (Ipomoea series Batatas (Choisy) D. F. Austin)