Cómo abordar la temática de género en el manejo de plagas y enfermedades: Preguntas y respuestas frecuentes sobre la recolección de datos y trabajos de extensión con enfoque de género
Okulwanyisa ebiwuka n’endwadde z’ebimera nga tukwatidde wamu abakyala n’abaami: Ebibuuzo ebitera okubuuzibwa abakyala n’abaami nga tunoonyereza wamu n’okusomesa abalimi
The contribution of community nutrition scholars towards more nutritious diets for young children in Southern Bangladesh. Research Brief 01
Building a resilient city for whom? Learning from street vendors’ gendered responses to urbanisation in Hanoi.
Women can do it! Stimulating more inclusive innovation in root crop- and banana-based agri-food systems.
Considering gender in pest and disease management: FAQs for gender-responsive data collection and extension work (Vietnamese).
Humidtropics cluster 4 project in Rwanda: Improving potato-based production systems to enhance productivity, nutrition, income, and gender equality: Training workshop on integrated potato crop management
Toward more nutritious diets for young children in southern Bangladesh: Assessing the contribution of Community Nutrition Scholars and identifying constraints to utilization of orange-fleshed sweetpotato