Biofortified yellow cassava is being cultivated in countries with high cassava consumption to improve its population’s vitamin A status. The carotenoid retention in biofortified cassava when processed as boiled, fufu, and chikwangue was evaluated in this study. Commercial biofortified varieties Kindisa and Vuvu and the experimental genotypes MVZ2011B/360 and MVZ2012/044 were used. Fresh cassava roots were processed as boiled, fufu, and chikwangue. Provitamin A carotenoids (pVACs) content of fresh and processed cassava was measured by highâperformance liquid chromatography, and total carotenoids was measured by spectrophotometer.
Carotenoids retention in biofortified yellow cassava processed with traditional African methods.
Citation: Taleon, V.; Sumbu, D.; Muzhingi, T.; Bidiaka, S. 2019. Carotenoids retention in biofortified yellow cassava processed with traditional African methods. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. ISSN 0022-5142. v99(3) pp. 1434-1441