Perception of Gujarat farmers on heat-tolerant potato varieties

Present study attempted to understand farmers perception on attributes they want in future potato varieties in heat-prone areas. For better understanding, priority index (PI; range 0 to 100) and per cent relative importance (RI) of desirable attributes were calculated. Potato farmers response on yield enhancing attributes, desirable/undesirable varietal characters, abandonment of varieties, heat/drought stress, and priorities on attributes in future potato varieties were collected and analysed. Heat tolerance (PI=92; RI=22.5%) followed by high yield (PI=72; RI=17.5%), late blight resistance (PI=48.5; RI=12%), potato-tuber-moth resistance (PI=39; RI=9.5%) and large sized uniform tubers (PI=36; RI=9%) were the top five desirable characteristics. The other attributes in this sequence were drought tolerance, processing quality, early maturity, shining skin and good storability. Heterogeneity of responses on various factors/attributes related to potato within farm categories was studied using Chi-square statistics.

Citation: Rana RK, Sharma N, Kadian MS, Girish BH, Arya S, Campilan D, Pandey SK, Carli C, Patel NH, Singh BP. 2011. Perception of Gujarat farmers on heat-tolerant potato varieties. Potato Journal 38(2):121-29.

